3D Processes

(Introduction to Sculpture)

3D Processes is a foundation studio course designed to introduce the student to the fundamental skills and vocabulary necessary to design and create three-dimensional works in space. We will explore areas of 3D construction, sculpture and design ranging from object to installation using a variety of processes. A variety of materials and techniques will be introduced, including wood, metal, plaster, clay, mixed media, and digital drawing programs. Students will be asked to develop creative solutions to a series of structured problems. These projects will involve the mastery of technical problems, as well as the articulation of conceptual issues. Students will be encouraged to verbally develop a vocabulary of basic design, construction and sculptural concepts through group critiques and discussions. 

Sculpture Seminar

(Sophomore Seminar)

—-New Course

Senior Seminar

(Crash Course in Art Administration for Artists)

Senior Seminar will prepare students for the “real world” after graduation. Students will research venues for their work, write grant proposals, residency applications, investigate job possibilities, etc. Contemporary issues in building and maintaining a sustainable sculpture practice are addressed through readings and discussions.

In addition to examining the arts administrative landscape of a contemporary practice, this course analyzes the environment in which artists and arts organizations operate and the structure and management of organizations that present artwork, in both nonprofit and commercial venues. Students will study the various strategies and techniques needed to effectively manage their own art career. This course addresses the whole art ecosystem and how various elements/organizations/individuals interact and influence one another.

Existing trends, challenges and ongoing issues affecting the visual arts and visual artists will be examined within social, economic and political contexts through inquiry, critique and debate. Students are encouraged to develop a global perspective of the complex relationships between artists, foundations, residencies, museums and commercial galleries, while developing approaches to problems that enable their art to flourish in an inherently unstable climate. Students will hone critical thinking skills, and oral and written abilities to formulate informed, reasoned, and valid positions on arts administrative related issues.